
Average Salary: $29,770

Expected Lifetime Earnings: $1,243,000

If you're one of those people who need food and water and shelter to stay alive, then don't become an amusement arcade worker. Arcade attendants make an annual wage of $20k. Technically, at $19,500k per year, the average arcade attendant doesn't even break the $20k mark.

But the arcade game machines themselves are so old that a lot of them—now in people's homes, not arcades—are breaking down. If you have a passion for arcade games, but you know you can't live off passion and $20k, then you might look into becoming a more all-purpose coin, vending, and amusement machine repairer. These guys make an ever so slightly more livable wage of $28k per year. People may not want to go to the arcades, but they sure seem to like having them sitting around their houses as props. Call it the hipster effect.