20-Year Prospect

20-Year Prospect

Twenty years from now, as the zombie virus turns humanity into a mindless, ravening horde, biological scientists will be working in their labs, frantically trying to find a cure that's a bit more intellectually satisfying than "Shoot 'em in the head!"

Okay, so the zombie virus thing is a joke...but the fact that biological scientists will still be puttering around with microscopes and test tubes isn't.

An ever-increasing number of industries employ folks who pursue this career. For example, you can bet biological scientists are heavily involved in the development of Ebola vaccines. Too bad they aren't also qualified to invent a time machine so they can travel to the future and then come back with an Ebola medication that's actually tested, effective, and ready to be used by anyone who'd like to avoid bleeding out their eyeballs.

Biological scientists are involved in agriculture, too. They work for companies like Monsanto (known in some circles as "MonSatan") to develop genetically modified foods for human consumption. They also work for universities that feed said genetically modified foods to rats only to find that the rats die.

Rejoice, then, future biological scientists. You'll all still have jobs in two decades...unless the zombies are smarter than we think and they target you first.