
You're in Hollywood. It's all about fame. The whole world wants to see what's going on in Hollywood and millions of people in Hollywood want the world to look at them.

Except you. If people are looking at you, or your work, you're not doing your job. Fame is for the director and the actors. Editors get Oscars, but most people take a bathroom break during that category at Academy Awards parties.

The only fame you really crave is the recognition among your peers. You'll have it when you have the A.C.E. after your name, a cover story in CinemaEditor magazine, your number in directors' speed dials, and industry awards.

That said, a handful of editors have achieved legend status. Thelma Schoonmaker, who has won three Oscars and is Martin Scorsese's editor of choice, is one of the very few film editors whose work is so good you just can't help but know her name.