Odds of Getting In

Odds of Getting In

You'd think the possibility of acquiring some loathsome and unpronounceable tropical disease would make folks think twice about taking a job in this career field…but no. Turns out, there are tons of intelligent, motivated, and experienced people out there willing to brave the discomforts of the developing world in order to work in international aid, which is why it's so difficult for newbies to get a gig.

How do you get your foot in the door, then?

  1. Have either extensive volunteer experience or a master's degree with an applicable internship.
  2. Be fluent in at least one foreign language.
  3. Have a technical skill that sets you apart from the sea of liberal arts and social science majors clamoring for jobs in international aid (like nursing).
  4. Know a Don Corleone of the international aid world whom you can beseech for work.