20-Year Prospect

20-Year Prospect

As long as there's money, there will be people who make money for other people and themselves by making money off of money. Sure, there's been talk of politicians and protest groups "coming down on Wall Street" since the recession of 2007, but historically, investment bankers have had pretty much zero problem getting rich during even the harshest and most regulated periods of our economy. 

No, no matter how loudly the millionaires and billionaires prophesize doom any time someone mentions tax hikes on the rich, there will always be rich people, and investment bankers will always be the ones keeping a lot of them there.

It would take a truly radical shift in American economic practice to ever displace investment bankers from the process. Like, complete-overhaul-of-capitalism kind of radical. Like, we-revert-to-caveman-times-and-begin-using-leaves-as-currency kind of radical. Like, hostile-aliens-from-Planet-Nine-imprison-us-in-test-tubes-and-harvest-our-biological-energies kind of radical.

Just trust us. This job's going nowhere.