

You’re a premium member corporate lawyer. Which means you’ve got to have all the basic lawyer qualifications, and then some. Which adds up to a lot of qualifications and a lot of acronyms. Ready? You’ll need to take some SATs so you can go to college, where you can get your BA and where you can study for the LSAT (which literally stands for Law School Admission Test). If you’ve got good grades, all that’s left is to dazzle the right professor and bribe the right admissions officer (kidding—mostly) in order to get into a top-notch law school. And then you can earn your final acronym: your J.D., or Juris Doctor, which tells the world you escaped from that private little hell called law school. Finally, you can take the bar exam, and become a real-life qualified lawyer.

But without a job working for any of the Big Tobacco companies. Hmm… The rest of the path to becoming a lawyer for a tobacco company just isn’t so mapped out. There are no specific steps to take or paths to chart. You’re going to have to schmooze your way into an interview and network your way into close friendships with high-ups.