
Average Salary: $100,000

Expected Lifetime Earnings: $4,000,000

This is where it gets tricky. You get paid when your athletes get paid—between three and five percent of their yearly take. The more wanted the athletes are by the leagues and the teams, the more money they'll be offered and the more money you'll make. More money = more happiness, right? Of course not. Not really. In the long run, you can't take it with you.

But still, having a little money while you're here isn't a bad proposition.

So…how do you make sure you have athletes who'll make you money? It takes a lot of time and experience, and what area of sports you're in also makes a difference. For example, athletes in Major League Baseball make between $400,000 and $33 million a year. (We'll do the math for you: four percent of what the average MLB player makes—about $5 million—is $200,000 (source<). Not a small chunk o' change, especially if you have a few of those guys.)

But you don't just usually start out at the top, so if your player is a low-down-the-scale in a minor league hockey league making $10,000 a year, that's a whopping…$400 for you. That'll buy you a plane ticket, maybe including the baggage fee. Maybe.

The lowdown is, you can make whopping boatloads of money with one player (who earns 250% more than you)…and you can do the same with having multiple players making modest sums of money throwing, kicking, hitting, and putting balls or round discs in nets. It all depends on how you manage your own career (source).

And how bad you want it.