20-Year Prospect

20-Year Prospect

If all the world's a stage, and all of us merely players, then everyone is going to want to take a break from their own boring plays once in a while and watch someone else do it for a change—to a snappy tune, if possible.

Drama is one of the oldest art forms humanity has, and we highly doubt the urge to play-act as kings, witches, and hairy green monsters is ever going to change. What will change is the amount of money you can make directing theatre. What does the future hold for your financial freedom? Unfortunately, a whole lot of uncertainty.

Broadway has gone the Hollywood route, with a few huge Blockbusters and a million teeny tiny productions vying for that final spot at the end of the street. And who wants to go see an expensive play when Netflix has, like, a billion things to choose from.

But hey, if money's not your whole thing, then doing theatre will be something you can do as long as someone is willing to keep the lights on for you.