
You can change lives.

We know that sounds absolutely ridiculous. But what sounds less ridiculous is when people with serious physical issues use yoga to ease pain and rehabilitate from injury. Sometimes the effects are small, and sometimes they're massive

For a person with severe back issues to be able to walk down the street without any pain, yoga is the difference between happiness and being stuck in a chair. That's fairly glorious (especially if they make a heart-crushing YouTube video about it).

We also realize that anyone who can talk for hours about how "spiritual" their career is can come off sounding a little full of themselves—but there really is something to the calming and meditative effects of routine practice. 

After all, yoga is about so much more than increasing physical flexibility or toning your abs. It's a full commitment to a deeper understanding of oneself through breathing and reflection. That includes stuff like morality, meditation, and controlling the senses.

Yeah, it's heavy stuff, but it can be oh-so-rewarding for the right person.