How To Evaluate a Website

How To Evaluate a Website Activity: Fact or Fiction: How to Decide What Sites Keep It Real

Instructions for Your Students

You can’t believe everything you read, watch, hear on the Internet. If you did, you'd be holding onto so much contradictory (and ridiculous) information, that your head would explode (metaphorically speaking, of course).

Figure out some ways to know whether sites are keeping it real with you or not, put your knowledge to the test, and nominate your first to worst sites for true (or bogus) awards.

Step 1: Let's start with a quiz. Don't worry. It's not that kind of quiz. And we have a couple of quick questions for you first. 

  • Do you ever hear any rumors going around school? 
  • Do you believe them all? 
  • How do you know whether to believe something that somebody tells you?

You have to approach the information you find on the Internet the same way that you should treat rumors in real life: don’t believe everything you read or hear. Okay. Now it's quiz time.

Your teacher is going to give you two things: a copy of the "Website Evaluation True or False Quiz" and 10 minutes or so to mark your answers. When everyone is done, you'll go through the questions as a class, see how everyone else answered, and discuss the correct answers as a group. Be sure to take notes in the "Explanation" space provided.

Step 2: After everyone has the correct answers on their sheets (and a few notes—you took notes, right?), go ahead and watch the "Detecting Lies and Staying True" video through 1:07 (that's the "Detecting Lies" portion of the video).

As they you, students take notes on the tips for detecting lies online. (Trust us. These notes will come in handy.) 

Step 3: After watching the video, review the guidelines outlined for detecting lies online with your classmates. (We told you taking notes was a good idea.)

When you've reviewed all of the tips, work with the rest of your class to reword these guidelines in language that you and your friends can relate to. Your teacher will use markers to write these "translations" on poster paper that you can hang in your classroom for quick reference for the rest of the semester.

Step 4: Now that we know a little bit about what to look for, let’s use this worksheet to evaluate whether some websites are valid and true or probably not.

Are these websites Shady or Legit?Open the websites below and then evaluate whether they deserve an "S" (shady) or an "L" (legit) on your Web Evaluation Form.

Step 5: As a class, discuss the websites and how you determined whether they were shady or legitimate.

Finally, take a few class votes to see which sites earn the following rewards:

  1. Sketchiest 
  2. Most Legit
  3. Smartest
  4. Funniest
  5. Most Memorable