Active Voice vs. Passive Voice

Remember that Microsoft Word paper clip dude who always used to tell you not to write in the passive voice?

Yeah, we're about to be him. Just less adorable.

Let's start with definitions:

  • Active voice means that the subject is… taking action. Whodathunk?
  • Passive voice means that the target of the action has been moved to the subject position, so it's… not taking action.

If you spot a form of the verb to be followed by a past participle (e.g., was spotted, is seen), you're likely looking at some passive voice. Sentences with a linking to be verb aren't always passive, though, so don't be a lazy-pants.

Is Passive Voice Wrong?

Is Passive Voice WrongSentences in passive voice tend to be awkward or vague, yes. But, technically, they're not wrong.We'll let you go help your English teacher who just passed out.Back? Good.Some...