The Return of Chorb Versions of Reality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Paragraph)

Quote #1

He passed in reverse through all the spots they had visited together during their honeymoon journey (9).

Chorb’s backward journey is a great set-up for the mystical, other-worldly atmosphere of "The Return of Chorb." It’s as though time is passing in reverse as he tries to re-create the image of his dead wife.

Quote #2

Nighttime, though, was unendurable. Night imbued with sudden terror her irrational presence (9).

This allows for a great parallel to the Orpheus myth. Nighttime evokes a fear of the unknown – like Orpheus traveling to the Underworld, Chorb doesn’t know what he’ll find in the darkness.

Quote #3

Now he knew what must be done. His quest, however, lasted a long while: This was a quiet and chaste town, and the secret by-street where one could buy love was unknown to Chorb. Only after an hour of helpless wandering, which caused his ears to sing and his feet to burn, did he enter that little lane—whereupon he accosted at once the first girl who hailed him (20).

Even the most base of actions is imbued with an other-worldly importance in "Chorb."