Too much of a good thing Why Should I Care

Why Should I Care?

If you paid attention to the title, As You Like It, Shakespeare doesn't particularly mind if you care about his play or not. Even if you do care about it, Shakespeare invites you decide for yourself why the play matters and what it means. (Hmm. Why does this sound so familiar? Oh, we know. Here at Shmoop, we've been trying to tell you this all along.)

In fact, finding your own meaning in life is the whole point of As You Like It. The whole play debates a giant laundry list of philosophical questions, and never lands on a firm answer.

In fact, most of the characters spend their time running around the forest offering multiple (and incompatible) answers to these questions about the meaning of life, love, and the pursuit of happiness. As You Like It presents several points of view, but never actually takes any sides. It's like your parents with you and your siblings.

The message of the whole play is that you can like what you want and do what you want. So that begs the question: can you have too much of a good thing? You decide.