The Life of Timon of Athens Characters

Meet the Cast


Timon is loaded, and he loves giving gifts to his friends. Um, where do we sign up to be his friend? Well, that's exactly what everyone else in Athens is thinking. Word on the street is that Timon...


Apemantus is a philosopher, but really all he does is sit around pointing out how grumpy everything makes him. He hates banquets, lords, friends, parties, gifts, flattery, Timon, and, well, just ab...


Perhaps Timon's only real friend, Flavius is also his steward, or his head servant: he runs Timon's household and is in charge of Timon's money. We can tell the other servants respect Flavius and f...


A captain and a noble guy, Alcibiades seems to have a lot of qualities that Timon would like in a friend. It's too bad the two of them only really hang out once before Timon's become a disgruntled...

Timon's Friends: Lucullus, Lucius, Sempronius, and Ventidius

Friends? Enemies? Frenemies?Let's face it: the dudes in his motley crew may all have different names, but they're pretty much interchangeable. All of these chumps take from Timon freely and then cl...

Phrynia and Timandra

We see these two courtesans very briefly when they enter with Alcibiades in the woods. Ever the go-getter, Timon come up with a task for them that won't be easy: he wants them to infect as many d...

Poet and Painter

These greedy merchants kick off the play with a bang. They might not even have real names, but their presence in the play highlights the materialistic world Timon lives in. When Apemantus sees what...


You can't fool us that easily, but even we were surprised when a Fool randomly showed up with Apemantus while the creditors are waiting outside Timon's house. What is he doing there? Well, you shou...


When three bandits show up in the woods disguised as soldiers to get money from Timon, we're scared. He's already yelled and ranted about how much he hates the greed and lies of humanity; what will...


Timon's ServantsTimon's got a whole gaggle servants who deliver messages, try to collect money, and serve food. While they're at it, they also offer us a running commentary on what's going down; we...