Hard Times Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Book.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

In the innocence of her brave affection, and the brimming up of her old devoted spirit, the once deserted girl shone like a beautiful light upon the darkness of the other. Louisa raised the hand that it might clasp her neck and join its fellow there. She fell upon her knees, and clinging to this stroller's child looked up at her almost with veneration. 'Forgive me, pity me, help me! Have compassion on my great need, and let me lay this head of mine upon a loving heart?' 'O lay it here!' cried Sissy. 'Lay it here, my dear.' (3.1.57-60)

Again, sibling love is transformed into maternal love, as Louisa puts her head on Sissy's shoulder. Are there any love relationships between equals in the novel?