Cone Zones

Cone Zones

Imagine if you will a place where roadwork is being performed. There are signs alerting you to the presence of workers and equipment, and you are advised to use caution ahead. There is a series of cones strategically placed to guide you to the other side. You are now entering... the Cone Zone.

All of that orange should tip you off that you should slow down and exercise extreme caution. If you need to merge into another lane, do so safely and without knocking over any of the cones. You don’t win a prize for doing that.

Because a lot of drivers who are traveling through a Cone Zone like to stop and stare out the window at all of the marvelous activity, rear-end collisions are commonplace in these situations. So be alert, leave a wide gap between yourself and other traffic, focus on the cones and the road in front of you, and don’t drive like a gawking nincompoop.

Avoid distractions so that you are not caught off guard. This means using a hands-free device if you need to make or receive a phone call, turning off the radio, putting down your burger, and holding off on taking your next turn on Words With Friends. You can be penalized more for traffic violations if committed within the Cone Zone, so be über-conscious of what you are doing, obey signs, and drive carefully. *NOTE: if you have a huge ego, cones make great hats.