11th District Cost of Funds Index


It's like an index of checking and savings account bank interest rates on the West Coast. The 11th district comprises AZ, CA, and NV, and has nothing to do with an angry, teenage, Establishment-hating J-Law (totally different District). It comes out at the end of each month and tracks inflation...kinda sorta. At least in a rearview mirror. Think: lagging indicator. The East Coast kissin' cousin is The Treasury Index. Costs of funds - or the cost of renting money - is a big deal since the market itself is trillions and trillions so even one basis point change, is some incremental tens of billions of dollars in delta.

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Finance: What is the Federal Funds Rate?21 Views


Finance a la shmoop what is the federal funds rate? all right think about it like


a suggested tip amount at a restaurant or on uber or lyft and you're going to [Man stood outside Pete's Pizza store]


gauge how your waiter or driver will react to that number


warmly coldly or well that's basically what the federal funds rates intentions


are as it relates to heating up or cooling down the economy well the Fed


heats and cools via the manner in which it rents money to its henchmen, the US


banking system that is in the most basic vanilla transaction the Fed rents money [Briefcase of cash lands outside Federal State building]


to banks for 1% a year and those banks then turn around and market that


money in the form of loans for homes and cars and re rents


that money with a big fat markup at three four five six seven eight percent


or more well a fair number of deadbeats exist on the planet they don't pay back [people appear all across a map of earth]


the money they promised to pay back and while sometimes the bank has to eat the


dough they loaned or at least incur a lot of lawyer bills chasing down the [Lawyer chasing man in a car]


deadbeats and in the event of a calamitous economic situation well,


banks need to be rock-solid so they can't lend out every dollar they have


that is they have to keep a fair amount of equity on their books so that if bad


things really do happen then they have what are called reserves well the bank [Bank reserve vault of cash appears]


also keeps reserves for direct daily deposits so that someday when a bunch of


people come in for their cash the bank can't turn their pockets inside out and [Person turns pocket inside out]


say yeah sorry we gave it all to the nice man wanting to buy a sports car


well that kind of thing leads to panic and disaster and it has sadly in our


country's history when a third of the banks went bankrupt in the Great


Depression so what happens when a bank has less money than it legally needs to


have as a reserve? well it borrows money in a short-term overnight loan from


either the Federal Reserve Bank or from other banks that keep their own reserves [Money transfers from Federal Reserve to bank]


at the Federal Reserve sort of like borrowing from Peter to pay Paul keeping


all that reserve grid number uh steady all right well now


we all know that borrowing money is not free


if a bank borrows overnight from other banks it is charged an interest rate at


the current federal funds rate the Federal Reserve influences that rate


while banks just need to be careful about paying back those loans because


stiffing the Fed is significantly more dangerous to your life than


sniffing your waiter at Applebee's [Object hits man outside Applebee's]

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