

A 501(c)(3) is the ugly government tax chitty way of calling a collective effort of people, aka a "company," a charity. But it sounds way more edgy if you call it a number. With a letter. Then a number.

Double 0-7. Way cooler than "James." Right? Well, 501(c)(3) is the United States legal code number that created space for Federally tax exempt charities. And there are 29 flavors of charitable category that they address. The government is working hard to catch up to Baskin Robbins’ numbers, but they’re not there yet.

Specifically, some of those 29 flavors include: religious organizations, scientific, literary or educational charities, charities for amateur sports, testing for public safety, charities involving cruelty to children, women, and animals (yeah, these are, uh... anti-).

So why the special treatment? Well, if a 501(c)(3) follows the many strict rules to maintain its non-profit status, then donors giving money to it get to deduct that money right off the top when doing their taxes. Like… if a taxpayer is paying 40 percent marginal tax, and they donate a dollar, that dollar only cost them 60 cents to donate. The U.S. Government essentially underwrites charitable donations, at least to a point. And that’s a good thing. We need noblesse oblige charities in the world. They do good work. Well, most of them do...

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Finance: What is a Beneficiary?25 Views


Finance a la shmoop.. what is a beneficiary? well in Latin, bene is


good so this is like a good place to catch fish...well close not [Old man fishing in the ocean]


really but being a beneficiary is good it means you get stuff like if you are


the beneficiary of weird uncle Al's will then you get his odd collection of hair


balls shaped like US presidents and thirty two thousand two hundred sixty [Uncle Al's will appears]


$9.32... in essence then you are the beneficiary of his will you are the one


set up to benefit by the death of someone who wanted to favor you with


their assets when they had you know passed on to the great beyond where hair [Uncle Al with white wings in heaven]


balls will fall....

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