Above-The-Line Costs


Let's do lunch, baby. You're a Hollywood producer on your way to the Paramount Studios with a budget in your hand for the next Brad Pitiful vehicle. You've carefully added the costs for union gaffers and grips, you know what it'll cost to blow up seventeen used trucks, and you know you'll have to shoot eighteen miles of film with a small army of camera men, lighting people, and street sweepers. All of these functionaries are below-the-line costs, because they get paid, and then they go away. Above-the-line players are people like the headliner, Brad Pitiful. Above-the-line also includes the director, the writer, and the producer...yeah, you.

Why the distinction? What is this mysterious line all about? Profit participation. Above-the-line players in Hollywood often take a salary cut, even working for minimum wage, in return for a cut of profits when the film comes to market. Famously, when Jack Nicholson played the Joker in Batman, he took a very small salary and a large profit chunk. That decision ended up netting him somewhere close to a hundred million bucks, in today's dollars. Nice work if you can get it, eh?

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Finance allah shmoop What is a cog sze or cost


of goods sold So yeah what are cogsa Yeah and


they're not the shoes your mom bought a penny on


saturday and it's not what the plumber had to remove


from your toilet consisting of hair clumps toenails and discarded


q tips Yeah that's clogs and we're talking cogsa Cost


of goods sold and note that there is no cobb's


which would be a cost of bads sold when you


have a business Selling things is pretty much always a


good well cog czar All the expenses the company needs


to pay to get their products out the door So


the company that makes your shoes might have to pay


for material to make those shoes the process of making


them the price tags and boxes for the shoes and


you know shipping delivery and everything else that it takes


to get the shoes to the store or no to


your doorstep Those costs all together are the cog sze


of your uh adidas or nikes or the cog sze 00:01:01.705 --> [endTime] of your clogs

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