Advanced Life Underwriting


The whole kit n' caboodle of high-class insurance problems. This is the process of merging everything from estate planning and tax strategies for individuals to insurance needs and employee benefit packages for business owners. Even better, bundling these products requires minimal extra effort, but allows insurance agents to jack up their fees. If you find yourself needing these services, you've probably done quite well for yourself (and, if not, we still think you're pretty awesome).

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Finance: What is a Beneficiary?25 Views


Finance a la shmoop.. what is a beneficiary? well in Latin, bene is


good so this is like a good place to catch fish...well close not [Old man fishing in the ocean]


really but being a beneficiary is good it means you get stuff like if you are


the beneficiary of weird uncle Al's will then you get his odd collection of hair


balls shaped like US presidents and thirty two thousand two hundred sixty [Uncle Al's will appears]


$9.32... in essence then you are the beneficiary of his will you are the one


set up to benefit by the death of someone who wanted to favor you with


their assets when they had you know passed on to the great beyond where hair [Uncle Al with white wings in heaven]


balls will fall....

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