Aging Schedule


You might think this is a list of your middle-age to late-age birthdays, and the relative humiliations that come with each: back pain, gluten-free cake, perfunctory birthday cards from your kids that arrive two weeks late, gluten-and-sugar-free cake, perfunctory birthday cards from your grandkids that arrive six weeks late, no cake, completely forgetting it's your birthday, and then, finally, death.

But no, the term "aging schedule" has to do with accounts scheduling in business.

An aging schedule is a way to arrange a company's invoices and bills according to when they are due. Basically, you are figuring out when money is coming in and when it has to go out. This helps you arrange the company's short-term capital needs. Run out of cash, and you're pretty much dead.

Aging of accounts receivable is a carefully tracked metric that bean-counters use to figure out how well the company is collecting its bills, for example. If that aging schedule moves meaningfully from one period to another, it usually signals that either the company's business is falling off a cliff, i.e. it's selling a lot less product, so it suddenly has a lot less in accounts receivable; if the aging term shortens, it might mean that buyers are leaping to their checkbooks to quickly pay off obligations to the company so that they can buy more.

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A lot of people don't realize this but that was the original title of Moby [Book title changes to Moby Dick]


Dick yeah all right My aching receivables that's your


balance sheet talking well wine is about the only thing that gets better with age [Wine poured into a glass]


and even it has its limits there yeah aliens go ahead and pour yourself a


glass all right when receivables a balance sheet item


that lives right here get old they - generally speaking get bad note how much


higher the probability of non collection called deadbeat-ism gets as the age of


the receivables increases well generally speaking bills that are gonna get paid


generally get paid fast or at least on time and those that don't have to be


tracked well best guesses matter in accounting so coming to an actual


predicted rational and reasonable number is a big deal and you can see that in [Man discussing receivables]


this case the spread between the legally owed money and the amount likely to be


collected is a pretty big spread well the decline hits the assets side of the


balance sheet in the form of accounts receivable here being lower and [Accounts receivable column highlighted]


eventually when a bad debt is finally recognized as a deadbeat bad debt never


to be collected and is dead dead dead well then it simply gets written off on


the income statement or well said another way it goes away as a sale that


never happened so that's aging receivables in a nutshell and yeah this [Aging receives inside a nut]


is the one time you don't need to respect the elderly [Man trips over elderly man and gives thumbs up]

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