Algorithmic Trading


You might take this as a sign that a Terminator-style dystopia is just around the corner, but robots (or at least artificially intelligent agents) are alive and well on Wall Street. These devices work by a process called algorithmic trading.

An algorithm is just a formula. As in "when a stock gets to ___, start buying it. Stop buying it when it gets to ___ and hold it until it gets to ___, then sell."

Actually, you don't need to join the anti-Skynet resistance just yet. Until the computers achieve self-awareness and become sentient, there is still a place for people in algorithmic trading.

Computers have diminished the need for people yelling at each other on the floor of the stock exchanges. But they've also increased the need for computer programmers, who don't trade themselves, but figure out how the computers should trade. These nerds mine data to find patterns in market movements, and then design algorithms to take advantage of similar situations as they come up in real time.

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Finance: What is Automatic Reinvestment?3 Views


Finance a la shmoop... what is automatic reinvestment? alright you bought an index


fund the focus companies whose names begin with the letter G, it's the G


indexer or G-index so like you know it's a whole lot of groupings of Google a


gaggle of GE, a glob of Gap, General Mills General Motors, Goldman Sachs you know [Lots of company logos]


through the Garmin the GPS people that's your index fund all G's while your


strategy and index picking may leave room for improvement while one element


you want to take advantage of is the provision for automatic reinvestment


that is for no incremental commission or fee instead of receiving your dividend


as cash and spending it on silly things like rent and gas and food you reinvest [Person receiving dividend]


your dividends and simply buy more shares of the G for good index fund the


effect over time is that your fund compounds at a much higher rate than it


would have had you just taken those cash distributions and run well how much


faster does it compound well if it was to grow at 6% a year without the


dividends reinvested and the dividends were about 3% a year then your total


return would have been 9% using you know advanced calculus there and remember


that rule of 72 thing well it takes an investment compounding at 6% that's 72 [Rule of 72 appears]


divided by 6 which means that the investment there will take about 12


years to double but in this case with dividends reinvested and we're gonna


ignore taxes here it's growing at 9% a year so it takes only 72 divided by 9


.....8 years to double with the


automatic reinvestment feature kicking in and 8 is better than 12 when it comes


to doubling your money in years that is and over time this is a really big deal [Man discussing automatic reinvestment]


like if you started with 10 grand in savings and just left it invested for 25


years well here's what it looked like note that you end up with almost double


your money when you automatically reinvest the money rather than take it


out as cash and also note you know our thing on taxes here if you have your


investment in a taxable account as opposed to an IRA or a 401 K which is taxdeferred [Taxable account and IRA/401k piles of cash appear]


that's how everything kind of plays out so the fund throws off lots of dividends


which you reinvest not only will you not be taking the cash from those dividends


but you'll have to pony up cash from some other source to pay the tax as you


go if you hold your index fund you know in a taxable account anyway if you don't


need the cash and have the discipline to just reinvest and well forget about it [Woman holding pile of cash]


you'll be a whole lot richer in the end game and that'll happen right about the


time you're too old to really enjoy it unfortunately youth is wasted on the [Kids sat on the grass talking]


young, you'll be too senile to regret it though so that's that's upside right...

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