All Or None - AON


Categories: Investing, Stocks

The order: 100 shares at $15. All or None (AON).

If your broker can't find 100 shares of whatever stock you want at $15, she buys nothing. You've basically told her to go whole hog or abandon ship. Example: Imagine if Warren Buffett decided to buy 10% of Netflix (yes, it would mean the world was ending, but that's a different story). NFLX stock would almost certainly shoot up a ton.

So let's say his brokers were told that it was an all or none order. If his brokers are able to grab the 10% before anyone gets wind of the deal, Sir Warren ends up with a big chunk of a company stock that's about to go sky-high in price. But if the broker gets about 2.3% and then start hemming and hawing very politely, he's stuck. He either has to pay more for the 7.7% (he wanted to get to 10%—and now that everyone's onto him, those NFLX shares are more expensive) or he can turn around and sell the 2.3% so that he has no part of Netflix.

AON deals are done when an investor has enormous Assets Under Management, and the notion is that, unless he has a huge stake in something, it's not worth it for him to have any stake in it. Hence the AON positioning with brokers.

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Finance: What is an All or None Order?71 Views


finance a la shmoop what is an all-or-none order oh you'd think that


spoiled brats only live on playgrounds of participation trophy cities hmm but [Boys holding participation trophies]


that is oh so sadly not true they roam the wild hallways of Wall Street


investment firms in droves and all-or-none order means that a buyer or


seller of stock either wants all of their shares bought or sold or none of


them and yes this applies to bonds preferred stocks and other random [Man discussing stocks and bonds]


hybrids as well.....A buyer has a portfolio of 500 million dollars in small cap


growth stocks generally speaking she's told her clients that she won't take


less than a 2% position in anything because she wants to be able to focus on


a core group of stocks and really be on top of any big movements hoping to sell [Stocks in a sack land on a table]


the shares before well, any huge problems holding so in this case she's


found a company she loves an appropriately named coal company for [Woman looking through binoculars in her car]


spoiled investors called mine mine mine the only problem is that the stock is


thinly traded that is not a ton of shares trade every day and she needs to


own either ten million dollars worth of stock which would be a two percent


position or she doesn't want to own any the stock at the moment is trading at


ten dollars and seven cents a share and she wants it at ten bucks or better...


well at ten dollars and one penny she has no interest whatsoever in that stock [Stock graph for mine mine mine company]


at 10.00 she's a buyer so that is her limit order but on this all-or-none


order she waits and waits and waits knowing that sometimes all-or-none [Woman looking at laptop waiting for the stocks]


orders simply never get filled other times they get filled scarily too fast


like the seller knew something the buyer did not but along comes a bad market day


the White House says something stupid what are the odds? and the market tanks for


an hour and blam she is the proud new owner of a million shares of mine mine


mine good for her those shares are now all hers hers hers [Pigeon poops on mans head]

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