Amortizing Security


It seems like there's a Rick & Morty joke here. "An amortizing security is the sidekick of an a-rick-izing security" - something like that. We'll work on it.

In the meantime, here's what a real amortizing security is: it's a type of bond where, beyond the normal interest payments, part of the principal is paid out in regular installments as well. The security comes with a schedule for the repayment of the principal, as well as the yield on the bond.

There are many kinds of amortizing securities, though mortgage-backed securities represent the most high-profile variety.

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Finance: What is Bond Amortization?7 Views


Finance a la shmoop what is bond amortization? okay fancy term easy


concept the basic idea is that you have to "revalue" what a bond is


actually worth each period which usually means twice a year because bonds pay [Monthly calendar appears]


interest on the you know semester system yeah twice a year so let's say you've


paid seven hundred bucks for a bond with a 5% coupon which comes due for a


thousand bucks in ten years over that time you'll have received two things the


5% per year interest from the bond in cash paid along the way and the [5% interest per year appears]


appreciation of the 700 bucks to become the thousand dollar par value at which


point it will eventually pay back its principal so to amortize the $300 of


appreciation of that bond over ten years while you could attribute 30 bucks a


year in appreciation each year such that after we'll say three and a half years


you'd hold the bond as having appreciated 3.5 times 30 bucks or $105 [Straight line appreciation formula appears]


in appreciation making the bond worth at that point in time eight hundred five


dollars oh yeah fancy but also pretty easy

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Finance: What is Amortization?

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