

Categories: Careers, Trading, Stocks, Bonds, Econ

If arbitrage is like...what you do....then you’re an arbitrageur. (Side Note: Doesn’t this sound like a cool new term for being a spy? "No, she doesn’t work at the bank anymore. She’s an international arbitrageur on a mission to fight for justice while snorkeling in a country you’ve never heard of called X.")

If you’re an arbitrageur, you make it a thing to look for price differentials in two different markets. These are places where the market is out of balance. Same stocks, same commodities. Two different prices. (One tonne in England is selling at $60, and the same tonne in Nairobi is selling at $60.02.)

You buy one stock in one place and sell the other simultaneously in another...and make a profit. Some say that this was easier to do before communications became effective (i.e., technology), because back in the day there weren’t computers to catch these mistakes. That said, arbitrage still exists on a different level, which is why arbitrage trading programs are um...helpful. They’re fast enough to catch these mistakes before the price differentials are caught.

There used to be a darker skeezier side to this now-small industry; see the prison cell of Ivan Boesky for details...HIS version of arbitrage was to gather inside information regarding mergers and acquisitions and basically short the buyer as he went long the seller. And that ended up being a hugely lucrative (if illegal) system that became the most famous arbitrageur case in modern Wall Street history.

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Finance: What is the Fast Market Rule?11 Views


Finance a la shmoop what is the fast market rule? okay things get crazy here [Two guys riding a rollercoaster]


whoa and every now and then there's a leap well blimey, that's how things work


here on the London Stock Exchange.....


the fast market rule accommodates the chaos by giving brokers and other market


makers the freedom to trade outside the ranges published to the exchange why is


this needed? well because we live in a world of robots and artificial


intelligence and fat thumbs that hit the wrong keys and hackers from Russia China


and Mars all of whom can profit from chaotic disruption if you want to see


this phenomenon in its finest form well check out Jack Nicholson in the original [Man stood next to Jack Nicholson as Joker]


Batman movie and that was the best one so the logic revolves around the fact


that today even with all our massive computing power we would still rather


rely on human beings when you know the congressman hits the fan then assume


that a computer will be clever enough to figure out what's wrong quickly you know


when the world is on a collision course with chaos all over the place fast [Meteor strikes Earth]


market rule, humans over robots...

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