

Categories: Entrepreneur, Investing

You are the developer of Solar Slinger Sasquatch, a solar-charged product that chases sleeping Sasquatches in the land of The Unknown. Problem is you need forty-grand more to launch it. Your wealthy Aunt Sue, a well-known podiatrist, offers to give you forty grand in exchange for 4% equity in the company. Sue is an angel investor with wings on her back (well, feet). She loves your enthusiasm, isn't a venture capitalist, wants you to succeed, and is willing to offer access to her deep pockets. However, she's not an archangel investor.

An archangel is someone who has done tons of angel investing to the point of fame. For example, Silicon Valley's Ron Conway would be considered a former archangel. In his heyday, he pegged (no, not that kind of pegging) companies like PayPal and Google...and has gained notoriety for his power and influence. Same concept, grander scheme of things.

And another take: In the middle ages, theologians enumerated a complicated hierarchy of angels, from Seraphim and Cherubim at the bottom all the way to Archangels at the top. And above them was Tiger Woods…you know…until The Event. (See Purgatorio for details.) Modern finance has partially transplanted these concepts to the realm of investing, if only in a metaphorical, somewhat stunted form.

There are no "Seraphim investors" at this point, but there are angel investors (people with money who use that cash to fund startups) and above them, there are archangels. This last category includes angel investors who have successfully made money on their startups, giving them a significant reputation in the investing community.

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Finance: Who is Warren Buffett?16 Views


finance a la shmoop who is Warren Buffett


no that's Warren Buffet that guy always over does it on the crab legs there in [Guy eating a crab leg and throws the scraps back onto the buffet]


Vegas this is Warren Buffett world's most successful investor he bet big on [Buffett talking to Obama]


the insurance industry arguably the greatest legal industry on the planet [Chips being put on the insurance industry]


how does that work while keeping it simple you've bought term life insurance


you pay 50 bucks a month at age 25 to get half a million dollars in policy for


your family if you die they make Bank that is their policy pays them a half a [Guy collapses and a grave stone appears]


million bucks if you die but you don't usually die it's not each month you keep


going along so this month passes your 50 bucks goes to Warren and co it's called [Grim reaper at the door then he says he is at the wrong house]


Geico and they count it that's it they just stick it in their pocket very high [Someone counting money and then putting it into a jeans pocket]


margin yes they have to leave some money for the million dollar death


that'll happen way down the line or in some random a case where a guy got hit [Guy waiting at a bus stop]


by a bus or something like that so it does happen but generally the insurance [Guy is hit by the bus that arrives]


industry is a very high margin lucrative industry Buffett saw that and bet big on


it he also bet big on the stock market and [Even more chips being placed on the insurance industry and some being put on the stock market]


called the great market swings of our era almost perfectly his style almost


never trade he buys and holds forever ish he has run a massively concentrated


portfolio for a very long time with tens of billions of dollars just in a few [Examples of Buffetts holdings appear]


stocks such that a normal mutual fund of his size might have a thousand names


where he has just a dozen big bets big Brunswick's down there his personal life [Someone bowling]


not so happy rough marriage ignored kids for whom he


has openly apologized for being a lousy father his work was really his family [A worlds best dad mug with worst written on it]


which is kind of sad for the guy who could buy pretty much everything but


didn't here's where he lives in Omaha named after a Peyton Manning NFL signal


call he famously Shops at Walmart spends little money on himself and will end up [Buffett shopping with only a few basics in his basket]


giving away virtually all of his fortune to the Gates Foundation yes that gates [Buffett opening a vault full of money for Bill Gates]


Uncle Bill ever wonder who picks up the dinner tab but when they go out to eat [People arguing over the bill]


anyway Buffett and gates will have merged their fortunes into the cent a


billion zone yes a hundred billion dollars of charitable money [Big piles of money being merged together]


billion and change they're gonna fight to cure cancer malaria aids tuberculosis


bad short games and whatever other awful diseases may arise in the future but


terminal nerdism lands here to stay [Bill Gates in hospital for nerdism]

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