Asset Disposal Plan


Categories: Banking, Accounting

An Asset Disposal Plan is pretty much what it sounds like: a business planning out how they will get rid of assets. Disposal of equipment, especially infrastructure equipment used by governments, can be costly, as much as 5% of the life cycle cost of the item. In other words, when you calculate the cost of the item, you have to include getting rid of it too.

For instance, the local road commission deals with some large machines. They have pavers, cement trucks, Caterpillars, those dump trucks that look like a really big version of what kids play with in sandboxes...Disposing of those when they break down or are no longer needed would be costly.

The asset disposal plan outlines how the business will dispose of it, and what it will cost. The plan should also outline what equipment will be used once the current stuff is gone (whether it will be replaced or not). Assets can be sold, demolished on site, or taken elsewhere to be destroyed (like a garbage dump). Regardless of the option chosen, this plan outlines the details of it.

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Finance allah shmoop What is a liability What is it


it's what you owe you bought four million gumballs on


credit for your party pack for the parade the money


is owed to gumballs are us in ninety days that's


a short term liability Alright next example you borrowed eighty


three million dollars to set up your new do dental


drive through service and that money is due in twelve


years at seven percent interest a year that's A long


term liability Why long term Because it comes due in


over a year and that's basically it liability comes in


two flavors short and long term and it's one of


the key elements of the balance sheet as it lives


in this space ride over here So yeah that's a


liability all this crap time now considering how many gumballs


you've consumed in the past month you really should get


yourself to a good drive through dentist or maybe sleep 00:00:56.998 --> [endTime] in mr

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