Association Of Government Accountants

Because no one else will hang out with them, they have to hang out with each other. Thus, the Association of Government Accountants was born.
We kid! We're sure most of these people are very nice, and beloved by their friends and relatives. But the phrase "government accountant" most readily evokes images of dour-faced IRS agents, frankly making it tough to root for the AGA softball team.
But actually, very few IRS employees are likely to play on that team. The AGA includes accountants from all levels of government, with 42% of its 14,000 members coming from state and local governments, according to its website.
The organization provides training, certification and networking opportunities for members across 100 local chapters. Our favorite of these local chapters is located in the Northern Mariana Islands. Now that's a softball team we can get behind! Go NMI AGA Fruit Bats! Beat those Guam ACFE Bagworms! (See: Association of Certified Fraud Examiners.)

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