Bank Draft


The bank manager opens the door and a breeze blows through past the cashiers to the safe.

The other kind of bank draft is a check which you can buy from a bank in order to pay someone who is not willing to accept your personal check. Typically, banks will review the bank draft requester's account to confirm that sufficient funds are available for the check to clear.

In that regard, a bank draft is guaranteed by the issuing bank, since it has been paid for prior to disbursement.

A bank draft is useful in the event of a transaction in which neither party is known to the other. With internet scams a big industry now, it is better to be safe than sorry.

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Finance: What is a CUSIP Number?119 Views


Finance, a la shmoop. What is a CUSIP number? Close that's a Cusack number


867-53-09, yeah we know there. So yeah you know when you go to the grocery


store and the cashier swipes your apples eight times across that little bar code [Apple being scanned]


reader thingy and it doesn't work again and again and again and then she finally [Error coming up on the screen]


pulls back the plastic from where the Apple was tagged hunts for her glasses [Cashier putting on her glasses]


and then visually finds the number associated with that Apple and then just


manually types it in. Well that's the fruit equivalent of a CUSIP number [Guy talking in a supermarket]


A CUSIP number is well just that only applied to securities, stocks, bonds even


muni bonds. CUSIP stands for committee on uniforms security identification [The meaning of each letter is shown]


procedures, and is basically just the serial number system of securities, but [CUSIP definition written on a 100 dollar bill]


has nine digits, the first six represent the original issuer of the security like


coca-cola shares when it went public a gazillion years ago. Then the next two [The fix 6 digits are highlighted]


characters refer to that type of security at hand like is it a basic


equity bond, muni bond and the ninth digit is riboflavin yeah it's just there


to be sure the other digits are all accurate and assures that there's no [The 3 digits meaning are shown]


replication in any of the other CUSIP index number sets. So yeah CUSIP numbers


make the securities easier to track because it's awfully hard to get a


microchip into one of them. [Microchip pulled out of a bond certificate]

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