Bank Reserve


Categories: Banking, Regulations, Econ

A bank reserve is a bank teller that comes in when the first team bank teller is tired or injured.

No? Fine.

A bank reserve is the portion of a bank's deposits that are set aside in a liquid account to ensure that the bank has enough cash on hand to fulfill a historically consistent level of withdrawal requests.

Bank reserves are a key driver in the liquidity of America and the world. When reserve rates are kept low, it means that banks can act aggressively to lend money. Interest rates usually decline in that environment. And the banks carry more risk of having problems, should there be any kind of banky panic and the unwashed masses decide to ask for cash to stuff under their Sertas.

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Finance: What is liquidity preference?27 Views


finance a la shmoop. what is liquidity preference?


yeah well liquidity is a good thing you want it. being liquid means that you have


cash which gives you options to you know buy stuff. and yeah even the Amazon River [money leaves a wallet in the grocery store]


shops at Amazon. all right so if your flavor of


investment has a liquidity preference over someone else's then your investment


all else being equal is preferable. see the liquidity preference . specifically if


you have liquidity preference and usually this is found in the form of


early stage of venture capital investor term sheets for investing in companies


in the form of convertible preferred stock- like it converts into common at


the IPO or something like that- then you get paid before everyone else


gets paid -at least in this form of stock- if the company gets sold.


all right well technically that is, but the company is sold and your convertible


preferred hasn't converted into common shares yet this company didn't go public. [convertible stock made into common stock]


but so like let's think about the example where if the company raised


twelve million bucks in preferred stock, which all had a liquidity preference


over and above common ,and then the whole company was sold for just fifteen


million dollars. well then those with liquidity preference would get liquid


first .ie they get their twelve million bucks. then the remaining three million


would be sprinkled around everyone else who was do the dough. plus any dividends


or accrued assets that have come our way otherwise. and yes technically debt


holders get paid ahead of the various series preferred investors who then get [list of who gets paid first]


paid ahead of the common shareholder but that's a different video. all right so


when it comes down to it you want to have liquidity preference. clearly I


prefer to be liquid myself. [man floats in lake in an inner tube]

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