Bearish Engulfing Pattern


Bearish engulfing patterns signify that a bear market (a downward trend) may be about to engulf the market, which is simple enough, right? Describing the pattern itself is a bit harder. Analysts look at charts to spot trends and patterns.

A "candlestick" is a type of chart that shows the low, high, open and close price of a share for a specific period. For this example, we're looking at the period of one day. The bearish engulfing pattern is a small white candlestick, followed by a much larger black one. The white one means the security had a higher close price price than open. The black one, though, closed with a lower price than it opened at. This low close price may indicate that the share lost momentum during the measured period.

For example, if you're looking at the candlestick chart, and you notice the share closed low, it might not be a huge issue if it's just a day, or if it's a small loss during the day. But if it happens a few times, that black candlestick can become a black cloud over your investment future.

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Finance: What is the Maturity of a Bond?95 Views


finance a la shmoop what is the maturity of a bond ?oh come on.


doorbell bash, and prank phone calls whoopee cushions for the teacher? like how mature [person rings door bell]


is that ? right well a bond matures when it comes due. that is a company borrows a


hundred million bucks in 2019 for ten years paying five percent interest or


five million dollars a year to rent that money along the way, and then 2029 comes


around and well the bond matures. and lenders have that hundred million [bond is stamped]


dollars to the company get how much well if the company pays off its bond like it


promised then that last year 2029 the lenders get a hundred five million


dollars in that final year -that is they get the five million bucks in interest


or rent on the money that year and then they get their original principal back.


just like the person who borrowed it promised what happened that is the bond


will have matured. so goodbye whoopee cushions, and late night parties in hello


NPR in a responsible bedtime. [girl snores ]

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