Beneish Model


It's like a lie detector for financial results. The Beneish model is a series of ratios and other calculations that signal how suspicious a company's financial statements are. Score a high Beneish M-Score, and it's likely your company is cooking the books.

The model was published in the late 1990s by a professor named M. Daniel Beneish, a faculty member at the Kelley School of Business at Indiana University. The details of the calculations are fairly complicated, but it involves a series of indices produced by comparing different financial measures at the company. Some components include an index of sales growth, a ratio of total accruals to total assets and an index of asset quality.

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Finance: What is Adverse Audit Opinion?27 Views


Finance a la shmoop. What is an adverse audit opinion and you know deficiency


letter. Okay people this is not good you thought you had good grades but when [Report card is thrown onto the desk]


you got your report card your teachers had opinions adverse to yours... [Report card has bad grades in it]


They sent your parents a deficiency letter you know the one with all those [Mom looks shocked]


D's on it well when it's a company's audit that has similarly gone awry it's [Boss looks angry and employee looks shocked]


the nice way to say it well then it means they didn't count the beans


properly when they gave their financial reports to their investors or whoever


the auditors were serving usually this implies that companies overstated how [Employee counting coffee beans]


profitable they really were or how well they were really doing so tens of


thousands of investors if you know the company was public when this all [Big line of people waiting to invest]


happened paid twenty seven dollars and 32 cents a share when with the real


numbers the stock probably should have been trading more at like you know


fourteen dollars and 27 cents a share big difference well basically an auditor


is saying that yours are not bread-and-butter misstatements no oops [Bean report with the numbers crossed out]


it's more of a dude there were material ie important


mistakes and they were pervasive like everywhere math, science, english, history


your failure it's no mystery that's how auditors talk really


all right well then there are massive losses to massive numbers of people who hire [Protesters on a street]


massive numbers of lawyers who sue you.. massively.. in the world of finance an


adverse audit opinion is a bit like running over everyone's favorite dog [Car goes over a bump]


several times only you're the one who is likely dead meat [Guy reverses and runs the dog over again and the owner comes to fight]

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