Best Endeavors

Categories: Regulations

Old expression (that we're trying to get started): "best endeavors are the ones that end in pie." But until that catches on, we guess we'll have to be satisfied with the current, most common use of the phrase.

"Best endeavors," in a financial context, represents a common phrase included in contracts. Adding the term to an agreement obligates the parties to use their best efforts to finish a particular task.

While the practical implications of the phrase are necessarily vague, it basically requires that the person signing the deal does their best to fulfill the contract's terms.

There's a hierarchy here in terms of contract phrasing, with different terms requiring various levels of effort. Below "best endeavors" in this system exists the concept of "reasonable endeavors." This phrase calls on a contract signer to work a little less hard. They have to do what's reasonable, but not necessarily give their all-out best efforts.

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