Bidding Up - Securities


Underneath the stock prices that you can look up on any stock quoting site, there's a dynamic process of bids and asks. A bid is the amount someone is willing to pay for a stock. The ask is the amount the seller is willing to accept.

Regular folks just go to their Ameritrade accounts and pay the market price for the stock at any given time. Wall Street players get into the weeds with the bid/ask, trying to get the best possible price (when you're dealing with millions of dollars, those fractions of a cent per share start to add up).

The phrase "bidding up" has a couple connotations. In its more general sense, it just means something like "sending the stock higher," as in "investors are really bidding up shares of Apple today."

On a more technical level, the phrase can refer to a strategy for acquiring shares at a time when a stock is rising quickly. Basically, if you try to get too cute with your bid when a stock is skyrocketing, you could end up under-bidding the market and not getting any stock at all.

Bidding up means that you take the fact that the stock is rising into account when you place your bid, over-bidding to make sure you find a matching ask. Of course, this process helps fuel the upward rise in the stock, which can last until people finally start saying to themselves, "This is stupid. I'm just going to go buy bonds instead for a while."

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Finance: What is a Dutch Auction?3 Views


Finance a la shmoop what is a Dutch auction? and not to be confused with a


Dutch oven what okay we're moving on all right [Boy in bed and oven appears on bed]


leave it to the Dutch to do things in reverse order like shoes are supposed to


be soft and comfy right but no they had to do wood so normally you'd auction a


Mona Lisa starting at 10 million bucks and then someone would bid 12 million [Mona Lisa painting appears]


and then 20 million and then 50 million eventually it sell for like 312 million


bucks or whatever price she commanded right but no not the Dutch for them


things go the other way and this system has actually been used in a few famous


and or infamous IPOs of stocks well basically a Dutch auction is a public


offering where the offering price is decided by asking for bids the bids are


kind of mulled over to find the price at which securities can then all be sold


like you started a high number and then you go lower and lower until you have [Man discussing dutch auctions]


enough demand to then clear the sale in fact Google did a Dutch auction when it


went public and things did not go so well but well you know over the time the


company bailed itself out pretty good there right all right well a normal IPO


is kind of normal auction in and of itself investors indicate interest and


prices are gathered and gradually increased by capital markets people at


the bank along with volumes of shares mutual and hedge funds that want to


invest and eventually when they say fifteen million shares have enough


demand at oh say 20 bucks a share well the bank then executes on the IPO to


raise 300 million smackers for the you know smacker company different


but many IPOs zoom upwards the first day of trading smacker no [Rocket launches into the air]


relation to Schmucker was priced at 20 and closed the day at 30 so how do you


think that made the company feel well the company would guess that it could


have sold the shares at 30 instead of 20 like those knuckleheads at the bank it


left 10 bucks a share on the table and times 15 million shares that's 150


million dollars it could have raised which it didn't so to counter that


perceived unfairness every now and then companies going public spin things


around they wear wooden shoes to start their meetings and in this case we only [A pair of wooden shoes appear]


might start the bidding at 40 bucks a share and if they hear


crickets they bring it down to 35 maybe more crickets and well then it's at 30


there's noise now actively interested investors and maybe they raise the money [People celebrating in a crowd]


at 30 bucks but what happens the next week or weeks or months if company just


performs as they said they would ie not awful and not amazing well at that point


the board investors start to just sell their shares and it's likely that the 30


bucks a share price declines maybe a lot as almost no investors will have made [Share price declines]


money in the IPO they took risk to invest in


it's called low sponsorship and the street is fast to turn its back on it so


even though smacker has a higher share price at their IPO in this scenario than


in the previous one, well it ends up hurting them in the long run because


they just don't have a lot of people who follow the stock and later on down the


line when the company really wants its stock to have a high price they have a


currency and they can go buy up all their competitors and so on and so on


well the stock doesn't have sponsorship so it doesn't have the high prices just


doesn't have a lot of demand not a lot of investors who care how the stock does


that's the penalty when you do a Dutch auction yeah and you might even say for [Penalty stamped on company]


smackers well it ends up smacking them right in the you know...

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