
In the vein of Britain exiting the EU (called BREXIT) a bunch of clueless politicos, unschooled in the worldly ways of the financial markets, have tried to get California to secede from the union of 50 states comprising America. You know, "California exit"...Calexit.

With the state already teetering on the edge of bankruptcy under a well-meaning but financially irresponsible spending system, proponents have made up myriad advantages to California without focusing on the likely mass departure of corporations from the state in the event of that secession being likely, and putting the state completely at the mercy of bankruptcy courts with virtually no access to capital. Please understand that we love dreamers, hippies and singers of Joan Baez songs with rainbow-colored hair, but since we're actually focused here on finance and business with a key theme that "promises actually matter"...we chortle at Yes, California, the name of this whiny schoolyard "if you won't play by my rules then I won't play ball" political tease of a movement.

Not to mention that secession is unconstitutional under the current rules and the last time someone tried it, something like 700,000 people died in the nation's bloodiest war thus far. So there's that. Yes, California thinks they can get the constitution changed, which involves getting an amendment passed allowing for succession. Good luck with that...

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