Capital Markets Group

Categories: Trading, Stocks, Bonds, Investing

Capital Markets Groups are the casino inside of an investment bank. They are charged with metering, managing, and running the day-to-day transactions that happen among buyers and sellers of securities, usually all over the world, and soon Mars.

What do they do specifically? They sniff. They play golf with institutional investor clients. They often ask, "So, buddy, how you feelin' about the markets these days? How you feelin' about your million shares of MSFT or AMZN? What would make you dump 'em?"

The Capital Markets people then report back their G2 to their traders, who take copious notes so that, if it turns out one day that a massive holder of AMZN has their trigger hit and they begin selling, that trader probably shorts the stock. Why? Because they know that whatever price AMZN is trading at today, for the next two weeks, as the big institution is selling, that stock will have more supply and demand in the market.

Capital markets groups people do a lot of sleuthing and pre-marketing for things like mergers, acquisitions, IPOs, and other securities offerings. They advise on the size and timing of deals, and who is hot to trot and who is...not.

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Finance: What are Capital Markets?7 Views


Finance a la shmoop what are capital markets? well you've heard of the great [Planet earth appears]


markets of the world the Silk Road market, the Arab markets, the stockade


markets well the same thing exists for money or


capital, investment capital what is investment capital yeah stocks


bonds derivatives above stocks and bonds like putting call options commodities


like coins and water rights and oil oh and Bitcoin don't forget Bitcoin and


yeah CME trades it now well all of those are


fruits in our little fifty trillion dollar global capital market system the [Fruits appear on global capital market system stall]


actual daily pricing intelligence that comes from capital being traded back and


forth yep money is bought and sold like used


cars that never die zombie cars that's what comprises our global capital


market system and just as in other markets well you always have to watch [Women stood by a store desk]


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