Capital Transfer Tax


Categories: Tax, Bonds

When you say “capital transfer tax,” make sure you say it in your best British accent.

A capital transfer tax (nice job) is a tax on inheritance in the UK on super-mega-huge estates (which is usually property and money all wrapped up in one huge legal-ball).

The capital transfer tax was born in 1974, but jumped through some hoops in the 80s, and was ultimately renamed the “inheritance tax” in 1984. This applies whether the estate is being transferred while the sugardaddy is still alive or after death, in both circumstances.

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Finance: What is the Alternative Minimum...2 Views


Finance a la shmoop. What is the alternative minimum tax or AMT? People


it's evil pure evil originally the alternative minimum tax affectionately [Guy wearing devil horns with flames in the background]


called alt min existed so that truly wealthy taxpayers had to at a minimum [Guy opens a letter from the IRS]


pay something think about the concept when you envision a Warren Buffett with


over sixty billion dollars in net worth paying a hundred grand a year in taxes


yeah that's what he does well the problem the altman tax system wasn't


indexed to inflation so lots of middle-class folks today now indexed to [Lots of people walking]


inflation are caught in the alt min trap this is the tax system that ended up


punishing the super duper wealthy you know people like in orthodontists


married to a substitute school teacher that's who alt min punishes yeah the tax [Tooth and drawing of a teacher appear]


man cometh for you well Congress gave birth to this tax in


nineteen sixty nine because well at the time a hundred fifty five tax payers had [Guy holding the alt min tax bill]


the temerity to pay no tax today about 5 million people pay alt min taxes which


has really become a parallel tax or incremental tax to the normal tax people


already pay the taxpayer figures out his tax completely ignoring alt min at first [Woman looking through papers]


then she figures out what she owes under alt min and if she owes more under alt


min well then she pays alt min if she owes more without alt min well then she [The tax bills are shown]


just ignores it in other words the IRS always wins the schmucks caught in alt


min lose all sorts of deductions state and local taxes business expenses and


childcare and it's pretty much the middle class of America today who bears


the most pain in this alt min situation people in high tax states bear much of [High tax states are highlighted]


the burden but well good for the IRS they were really hurting [Desk full of piles of tax checks]

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