Cass Freight Index

Categories: Econ, Metrics, Regulations

Just when you thought people couldn’t create an index for everything, along came a company called Cass Information Systems that screamed: SHIPPING!

That’s what Cass does…they look at what’s traveling on trains. They look at what trucks are hauling. They look at ship cargo.

The company works in intelligence across a variety of different sectors. Shipping just happens to be an important one. Its Cass Freight Index is a measure of North American freight activity that is derived from its own client base of shipping companies.

Shipping executives use the index to stay up to date on shipping trends and how they intertwine with broader economic activity and key supply chain and logistics indicators. By assessing freight deals ranging from seven- to ten-figures in value, the index provider can offer a deeper assessment of activity across a variety of sectors ranging from agribusiness to chemicals, from construction equipment to consumer goods.

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