Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialist - CAMS

A big problem for drug dealers and other criminals: what to do with all their cash. They can’t just walk up to a bank and deposit hundreds of thousands of dollars without raising eyebrows. So they have to "wash" their ill-gotten gains. They might set up a “front” business, a restaurant or a club or a motel or an actual laundry mat to clean their money. They also spread the money around, depositing small sums of cash in numerous accounts. They store their money in purchases of gold and gems. Or they try to hide the money overseas.

Trying to detect all this are the Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialists. They band together in their Justice League-style organization, the Association of Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialists (ACAMS). It administers the CAMS exam and awards the certification (yes, there's an actual certification). To get approved, you need to pass the test and have 40 credits based on education, work experience other professional certifications. Once you get the certification you will have numerous job opportunities. You could work for the government or in a brokerage firm or bank as a surveillance analyst, financial crimes analyst or in financial intelligence.

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