Charismatic Leadership

Categories: Company Management

When people gravitate to someone due to personal charm. Not just someone who is nice or well-dressed, but someone whom others admire.

People look up to the charismatic leader. They want to be like the charismatic leader. They may even want to stalk and obsess over the charismatic leader...which is why bodyguards make so much money. This type of leader has no trouble filling whatever room she is speaking in. At parties, people crowd around her and want to hear whatever the next set of plans are.

Charismatic leaders tend to blaze the path through stressful times and empower their followers to break through those stress barriers, too. Sometimes it appears as if these leaders don’t have any stress. They do, they just hide it really well and sometimes convince everyone that they have nothing to worry about. They have a calming effect that can restore focus and move everyone forward to whatever world domination goal they have their heart set on.

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