Chartered Investment Counselor - CIC

You want a job. But you want a job suitable for pre-World War America. You’re really into fiduciary duty for some reason. You love the idea of suiting your client’s best interest.

You have a three-piece suit and a penguin statue for your desk. You are a Chartered Investment Counselor now. The role emphasizes regular contact with clients, and providing investment advice to help these clients reach their financial goals.

A CIC is a designation created in 1975 by the Investment Adviser Association. It's a special qualification for investment advisors whose responsibilities fall under Section 208 (c) of the Investment Advisers Act of 1940.

To get this designation, a candidate has to work at a company in an eligible position, and they must have passed all three Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) examinations, as well as hold the CFA charter.

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