Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP)

Categories: Insurance, Tax, Regulations

Regardless of whatever policy someone wants to pass in Washington D.C., the first thing someone says when challenged is, “Think of the children.” Children are basically the rocket fuel of pushing through public policy, even if there are no children within 10 miles.

But every now and then, thinking of the children does create good policy to address problems created from previous pieces of legislation.

Take the Children’s Health Insurance Program, also known as CHIP. This program was passed in 1997 to address a gap in the health insurance industry. Basically, the program provides healthcare to Americans under 19 whose parents can’t afford private healthcare coverage, but make too much money to qualify for Medicaid.

Obamacare didn’t replace CHIP, although many people think it did. But that’s the magic of Congress. They just create problems and confusion with every piece of legislation they pass. It's almost impressive.

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