Citizenship Test

There's a long process to become a U.S. citizen (even if you came here legally). One of the last steps is to pass the U.S. citizenship test. It is often said that most Americans would probably not be able to pass the exam. But there are study guides available and the test can be given in just about any language. There are 100 possible civics questions and the examiner will ask 10 during an interview, and you only have to get six correct.

Ready to see if you'd make the cut? This should be fun!

Would you be able to answer any of the following? (Try to answer without googling...)

1. The House of Representatives has how many voting members?
2. How many U.S. Senators are there?
3. Who vetoes bills?
4. When was the Declaration of Independence adopted?

You’ll be pleased (or embarrassed, depending on how you did on the above practice test) to know that the overall pass rate is 91%.

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