Collection Agency


So…sometimes, when a man and a woman have trouble getting pregnant, the guy has to go to one of these places, and, uh…

Ok. Different kind of collection.

A collection agency is seeking a…different form of currency. That is...literal currency. Greenbacks. Cashola.

Whose money are they after, exactly? Deadbeats. Anyone who made a promise to remit pay back a mortgage, to pay off a credit card, you name it…and then defaulted on that promise.

Yeah, because when you sign your name on the dotted line and agree to pay back a lender for their generous loan or extension of credit, paying them back is not really a suggestion.

Once you fall behind enough, a collection agency gets called in to track you down, deliver nasty, threatening letters to your mailbox, and if it’s a New Jersey collection agency, send someone to break your kneecaps with a billy club. If the message still isn’t getting through to you, the next step is for the agency to set the wheels in motion that will result in the repossession of your home, your car, or your treasured, signed set of Big Bang Theory trading cards you swore would be buried with you.

So yeah...if you choose not to make good on your obligations, you shouldn’t expect the people you owe to forget about it, or go easy on you.

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Finance: What is Repo/Repossession?8 Views


Finance a la shmoop. What is repo or repossession? Well this is possession yes [Crazy looking woman in bed]


the devil spirit inhabits your body you need an exorcism.. Yeah right just bring [Priest waving a cross at the woman]


the PC, well this is a repossession like when you take your body, you know back


from the devil thank you very much. Well the same thing goes for things you buy [Woman becomes normal again]


like a car you could have and should have bought that very old but in good


working condition Saturn with the passenger-side dent in the shape of an [Girl walking away from the car]


ice cream truck you know that cost five grand. You could have paid for all of it


out of your piggy bank and had no debt but no you had to have the Audi a7 with [Piggy bank smashes]


the smartphone integration night vision and squirrel detection feature... That Audi [Squirrel detected in night vision]


cost 30 grand even though it was used and after you put the five grand down [Stacks of money]


you swore with your hand on your chest after signing promising documents 18


times that you'd pay 500 bucks a month for about five years until that car was [Woman signging the contract]


fully paid for but lo and behold you got fired from your job yeah, didn't plan [Woman looking angry walking out of her office]


on that when you swore. You whine about it to your car loan robot and it asks in


automated robot fashion why is that my problem so you go a month and then [Guy with a robot face]


another and then another without paying and the nasty gram letters come from


lawyers and from the bank and you know your credit is being destroyed but you [Final warning letters arriving]


can't find a job in a tough economy yeah you really shouldn't have majored in [Woman watching the news with ice cream and crisps]


French lit so then one day along comes Emilio Estevez in the middle of the


night with a thing that looks like a special clothes hanger and a few other [Emilio holding a clothes hangar next to the car]


tools and at 2:00 a.m. you hear your car is starting in the


driveway as it magically drives away do you call the cops [Emilio drives the car away]


you go downstairs to investigate and find a little note that says your car


has been repossessed and you have a little bill there for back payments of [Total costs being calculated]


three grand as well as the repossession fees of another grand and for a tidy


four grand in change with interest accruing every month you'll one day be


able to buy yourself out of your credit hole at least to some [Woman pops her head out the dirt and money flies out the hole]


extent they'll be a scar a blotch on your record like that d- you've got in


physics and yeah it's a bummer going through life with no Visa Amex or [Woman holding up sign on the side of the road for credit]


MasterCard shoulda bought that Saturn.. Welcome to repossession hell [Guy has horns on his head]

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