Commercial Property/Casualty Market Index Survey

Ever get into an argument with your friends about the state of the commercial property and casualty insurance sector? gets as intense as those KD-versus-LeBron, Marvel-versus-DC, Ryan Gosling-versus-Ryan Reynolds conversations? You just go 'round and 'round for hours about it, until tempers get heated and you end up not speaking to each other for days?

Well, the Council of Insurance Agents and Brokers is here to help. They provide an index of performance in the commercial property and casualty market. And because they are insurance folks and like to keep everything as literal as possible, they have called their index the "Commercial Property/Casualty Market Index."

The index tracks market conditions and pricing within the industry. The report is issued on a quarterly basis and provides overall information, as well as regional data and statistics related to various sizes of organization.

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