Communication Direction

No, it’s not someone shouting at the ceiling or the floor, or talking to a wall…although some people may feel like that’s what they’re doing. It’s how the communication flows in the organizational hierarchy. Such communication may involve face-to-face discussions, memos, mass emails, or other such mechanisms.

Downward Communication: The flow of communication from a higher level to lower levels. It could be a mass email about the hiring of a new Vice President or a company-wide meeting about a change in the law that influences the way business in conducted.

Upward Communication: The flow of communication from the lower levels up to the higher level…most likely complaints about not getting paid enough, or about how the A/C is turned on too high.

Lateral Communication: The flow of communication at the same level of the hierarchy chart. It could be collaboration communications, or it could be griping about how one group would be able to finish what they’re doing if the other group would do what they’re supposed to do.

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