Core Competency

You have smart abdominal muscles…or you’re competent at working out your external obliques. Having a core competency is essential.

But in business, core competency is what a business does best.

Look at a company like Apple, which develops computers and smartphones, in addition to other business segments that include financing, television, and original content. Its core competency is the business lines that develop leading products in computers and smartphones.

If you want to think about this another way, think about your job. Think about the primary task that you do on a day-to-day basis. That would be your core competency. As long as you don't foul it up on the reg.

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is this Nineteen seventy eight magnum p i ferrari This


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it's crown jewel is right here at him up So 00:01:00.382 --> [endTime] yeah you get the picture

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