Crawling Peg


The big currencies you think about when you think about currencies (the euro, the dollar, the yen) are free floating. Their central banks might step in to manipulate value somewhat (Bank of Japan, we’re looking at you), but for the most part, the market decides exchange rates. There’s no legal structure in place to control the exchange rate.

Not all currencies work this way. Some currencies are “pegged,” meaning their value is tied to something else.

Think of the gold standard in the old days. A dollar was worth a certain amount of gold. The plan was to control inflation by tying the currency to something stable (like the amount of gold).

These days, the most common peg goes to the U.S. dollar. Say you run the central bank of some emerging economy. You want to peg your currency to something in order to keep it stable. So you pick the currency of the biggest economy in the world. You pick the U.S. dollar.

Some currencies exist in a mid-range between pegged and free-floating. That grey area is where crawling pegs come in. These currencies are allowed to move, but only a little at a time.

Trading on individual days can only push the rate so far. The idea is to give some of the benefit of a free float, but with some stability and control against a sharp market move. Nicuragua and Vietnam have crawling pegs, and China’s currency is essentially one.

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Finance allah shmoop what is a dual currency bond Well


a currency duel would be way cooler to bonds One


dusty road in the wild west a saloon a gal


and a gun plan retired or called are paid whatever


they call bonds when they're dead Anyway a duel currency


bond is a bond where the principal and the interest


payments are made in different currencies like here's a bond


whose principal is paid off in u s dollars But


its interest is paid in euros and yeah whatever currency


being used for interest payments is called the base currency


Well why would you the investor of want one of


these things Well dual currency bonds or subject to exchange


rate risk In other words you're making a gamble not


just on an investment but on which way the exchange


rate will bounce That is if you own something it's


highly exposed two euros while then you're kind of making


a bet that the relative to the dollar the euro


zehr gonna appreciate mohr like the government's printing less of


them You have less inflation whatever because then if that


repayment currency appreciates well boom you're more in the money


Than just the interest you collected And if that currency


doesn't appreciate well there's always bank robbery is a last 00:01:21.189 --> [endTime] resort dual currency dueling currencies No

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