Custodial Agreement


Categories: Trusts and Estates

A custodial agreement is one where a third party contractually agrees to manage or hold an asset on behalf of the actual owner or beneficiaries in return for a fee.

This is often the case with retirement plans, such as IRAs and health saving accounts, which may be held at brokerage firms or banks, and 401-Ks, which an employer may have designated with an outside financial management or brokerage firm to collect and administer contributions and distributions. Institutionally, custodial agreements are often used when complex portfolios may contain asset classes unfamiliar to the primary managers.

An investment and commercial bank may be handling a portfolio of bonds and stocks, but may also have unusual real estate or art collections, for example, whose maintenance and management requirements are outside of its normal expertise. In those instances, a specialist firm would be contracted to administer those assets within the portfolio and the primary manager’s purview on a custodial basis.

Trustees administering funds for trust beneficiaries are, in effect, also operating under a custodial agreement arrangement. Trustees have a lot of responsibility over trusts and how the trust beneficiaries turn out. Gram Parsons inherited a trust fund, but was a heroin addict. However, as a member of the Byrds, he wound up creating Country Rock, with The Eagles being his most famous musical followers. Bruce Wayne inherited a trust fund and became an obsessed psychopath who would dress up like a bat and pick fights with random street thugs in alleys. Which trustee did the better job under the custodial agreement?

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Finance: What is an Agency Relationship?202 Views


Finance a la Shmoop! What is an agency relationship? Alright well this


one could have come straight out of Hollywood.


Because in finance land, no relation to Disneyland, the same kind of client agent


thing exists. I'll deal with a lot less than ten


percent per transaction commissions. That's usually standard in the old


Hollywood. Well you are granny gold digger, you're 97 year old husband, just[people at funeral]


died. Leaving you at 43 a wealthy woman. You meet with your stockbroker, now


turned private wealth manager, handsomey mic handsome and assess the


relationship here. Well handsomey, has a fiduciary


obligation to you, to act on your best behalf. He is effectively an extension of


you. He is your agent, in the same way your right hand is your agent when your


back itches. He must be open about his fee structure.


Like a common agency arrangement these days, has the client paying 1% of the[pile of money in mansion]


assets under management with the agent. Whether the agent does a ton of work for


the client like tons of trading, or whether he does a whole lot of nothing.


Well the dicey conversations here then revolve around whether that agent


encouraged his client, to put money in the very high, free hedge and private


equity funds run by the agents firm. And then, well you know, you could ask does


the agent then get a spife, or tip, or free trip for him and his family to[man on vacation]


Hawaii at the end of the year? Hmm does that happen? Could that happen?


Agency relationship. All right well the basic idea here is that an agent must


act in the best interests of the client no matter what. Even if the advice the


agent is giving the client is directly opposite, the best personal interests of


that agent. Like getting a lot of commission and that free trip to Hawaii.


And yeah that is the only relationship we want to have with an agent.[three people in office]


Sorry there.

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