Data Loss

In Ye Olde Daze, long before Google Docs, essay writers had to manually click 'save' as they were editing their highly Shmooped term papers. Were they to forget to hit "save" and then the idiot brother just happened to run the smoothie blender, and the power went out, then they lost, well, everything.

Data loss is most likely among the worst things that can happen to an individual or a company, save having to choose which candidate is worse in any given election. This kind of loss is not just driven by stupid brothers (and yes, Harry, we're looking right at you). It can occur when information is corrupted, deleted unintentionally, not stored properly, or deleted from a malware attack that causes a virus on your computer. The best way to avoid data loss or to recover it is to implement a backup system and add data access controls and security mechanisms.

Or alternatively, Bic makes a very nice pen.

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